Sunday, 29 January 2012

Rure Update and explanations(excuses excuses)

Hello, Crazeeapple here.

No, I am not dead. I am, however, a college student. Studying film, which means I'm running around all day. ^^; Which leaves me dead tired at the end of the day; no good excuse, I know, most groups update regularly. :(

I posted ahead of time at MangaFox because I forgot my password for here. ^^;;;; Ssso... yeah. I have recovered my password, but not my original name. So yes, I posted all of volume 5 (which the translation for the last chapter is not consistent... I forgot that Auri-chan had already edited and I had actually translated that before.) I'd like to think the translations for the more recent one is better. ;)

But along with that, I posted along with the doubled chapter 28, chapter 29, the first of volume 6 of Rure. Which is available here, or in the archives.