Current Projects

The series we are currently working on:

Title: Rure
Author: Seo-moon Da-Mi
Synopsis: As the heiress of a rich island, Haru has always received resentment from her illegitimate half sister, Miru. When Miru finally snaps and runs away, Haru follows her... and they are ushered into a foreign desert with three moons! With Miru unconscious and Haru desperate to help her, they encounter a young man who calls himself Kuya the mercenary...

Title: Ordinary School
Author: Lee You-Jeong
Synopsis: Nareh and Tareh are fraternal twins, Nareh the elder sister and Tareh the younger brother. When Nareh learns that Tareh has been accepted into the elite all-boys Ordinary School, she is shocked, and prepared to stop him at all costs...